Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's/ Lost Day

Well, today was V day and although we kept it simple, it was a lovely day. We put V day stickers all over our faces. I don't know how well you can tell in the picture. I took the picture in the very beginning- you should've see us afterward- I couldn't take a picture with all the stickers all over us because Alex wouldn't sit still. Check out Alex's shirt- a gift from Becky.

Then, for a special treat, we made brownies. This is officially Alex's first lick of the batter spoon.

Here's the final product. Then we ate it with ice cream while we watched Lost. Ah! And don't get me started on Lost. I'm freaking out! I loved Sayid, what happened?! Is he doing that to protect them? Is he bad or good? Alex kept laughing everytime I freaked out.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Look carefully at that title. Alex says "snow" with the "s" at the end instead of the beginning. We have been playing in the snow alot these days. And, yes, don't hit me, we are sad to have a break from the snow. We hope it comes back really soon.

We've even been sledding- thanks Jen, Babus, and Titi!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Welcome everyone to our blog! Although Virginia has created other blogs before, she is committed to really keeping this one up. Promise! (Fingers crossed) Please check in on us every once in a while and see what's new. Even better, please give comments! I think you have to have a gmail account to give comments, if you don't have one, hey, set one up and join the fun!