Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread House: friend or foe?

Gingerbread house for FHE. Easy lesson (temples). Friend.

Lots of laughter. Learning new skills. Friend.

Sweet messes of fun. But all in a plastic tray. Friend.

Is it just me or do you end up swiping candy off the house for days after said house is finished?

Sweet enemy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just for Giggles

I have an idea for some laughs.
Take your child(ren) to sit on Santa's lap.

But first, make sure they look messy.

If you know my son, this is a funny picture.

It was taken a week ago and I'm still laughing.
But I wasn't laughing during the tantrum the whole ride home when he realized Santa wasn't going to give him his present right then and there.
But now I'm laughing.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Non-alcoholic wine for thanksgiving dinner at Belo and Bela's...

Spending some quality time with the cousins...


Having a cracker for dinner and emergency gall bladder surgery...


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mr. Pulluphead

While I was getting dressed for church I tried to convince Alex to go potty. Within a few minutes he yelled "I'm done!" and came out looking like this. I kid you not- I had the camera inches away. I was laughing so hard I could hardly take the shot.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

After a short nap...
Put on costume, found his Elmo trick or treat bag in car waiting for him...

Exclaims "Elmo! I missed you!"
Drove to Bela Gloria's
Seriously getting into the role...

Drove to Orem- look what I saw on the rear-view mirror...a vampire...with blood-sucking fangs! Oh, wait, those aren't blood-sucking fangs, they're 2 bloody sucker fangs!

Removal of candy bag, followed by a tantrum- (no picture, out of respect...and inability to drive and take pics at same time)

Headed back to Belo and Bela's in Orem to trick or treat with cousins
Chumbi waiting at a safe distance...
Two little Dinos
Cuter pics to follow....

Monday, October 13, 2008

Da Punkins

Tonight we followed our tradition of buying punkins for Family Home Evening and displaying them in front of the house. Here they are!

Pickin' the punkins

(I didn't feel like bringing out the tripod and setting up 'cause I was cold and it was late so we took quick pictures....

Next week....jack o'lanterns. Boo!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October -fest

Yeah, baby! We love the month of October! October to us means...




THE COLOR ORANGE (that's for Joaquin)






p.s. a special thanks to Denise who also is using this template and I loved hers so much (and there were no others I liked) that she let me use hers. Check out her blog! (see right for link)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Go Shorty, it's your birthday...

Libra. That's me. The following are characteristics of a Libra (as taken from Wikipedia):

Diplomatic / compromising (however possibly manipulative)
Fair / balanced / impartial
Idealistic (in relationships)
Easy-going / sociable
Indecisive / changeable
Peace loving
Gullible / influenceable
Elegant / graceful
Refined / artistic / good taste
Pleasure oriented
Sensitive to others
Flirty / frivolous , however loyal in marriage
Which ones don't fit? Diplomatic? Refined/ artistic? Impartial? You tell me.

Today was my birthday. Seriously now, I need to thank my peeps for all the love- (and yesterday fr home girls at work). I felt like a celebrity. In case you were interested, here are some more born this day...

(not Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill)
Wow, I got Superman, Luke Skywalker, and a Men in Black.

Now check out my personal blog (scroll up and look to the right...there...see it?) for some more light reading.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grasshoppers: A Story of Love and Betrayal

Before I begin with this story, you should scroll down and play the Barry White song to set the mood. Go on, now. It's at the very bottom of the playlist- scroll the playlist box to the bottom. That's it, baby. This is the song I was thinking about when the story, seriously. Go do it!

Did you turn it on? Good. Now, keep reading...

So, while playing with Alex at his sandbox, this is what I saw. Two lovers enjoying the picturesque sunset. (Pause for a few bars....)The bigger one is the female. Yeah baby (Barry White style). Can't get enough of your love, baby.(Pause for a few bars...) Ooh, feeling groovy, baby. Ok, now keep going...

But, wait! What's that yonder? To the right... Doh! It's another male. Look carefully at the green dot in the far right a little higher. That's him. He's been jilted. Damn. Life sucks. He just waits there... Watching... He's been betrayed. He contemplates. (Pause for a few bars more. Feel his feelings. Let it take over.... The jig is up, baby.Ok, keep going... )

He leaves.

The end.

Alex: mommy, I'm scared!

Now, grab your baby, turn up the volume, and groove to the rest of the music, baby!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello September!


and more football,


Apples, and ....

Birthday !

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So long, summer. Booooo!

I know, summer's not over, but it kinda is. No more wearing linen, swimming in the pool, getting tan, lemonade, etc. But, that's okay, I'm excited for the beginning of fall. But, before we say hello to our new season, we made sure we said goodbye to summer...
We made waffles on saturday morning...So long, homemade waffles w/ fresh strawberries n'whipped cream!

We played at abuela Gloria's house... and with Callie...

Labor Day started out stormy...

But ended up fun...and boy, did the kids have fun!